Getting Started
This page provides step-by-step instructions for using the Nonprofit Works Data Explorer, which will walk you through the steps to choose your data and generate a table for download.
Select the geographical level you would like to explore. You can select state-level, county-level, or MSA-level data; however, you cannot select multiple geographical levels in a single search. For state- and MSA-level data, you can select multiple options within the selected geographical level. Data on Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Metro Statistical Area (MSA) are available from 2013 onwards. If you would like to download data for all states or MSAs, leave the filter blank. For county-level data, you must select counties with a single state—you will first filter for the state and can then select multiple counties within that state from the filter (or leave the county filter blank for all counties within the selected state).
Click the toggle if you would like to include national-level data in your table. National-level data are available from 2007 onwards.
Data Variable(s)
Select as many data variables as you would like to output.
Select the economic sector or sectors for which you would like to download data. If you would like to view employment, establishment, or wage data for nonprofits only, select "Nonprofits." If you would like to compare nonprofits to for-profits or government institutions, select those options as well. Nonprofit share of private (all non-government employers) or total (all employers including federal, state, and local government) provides pre-calculated values (nonprofit divided by private or total).
Click "I am not a robot" and complete the CAPTCHA. Click "Next." NOTE: the reCAPTCHA may time out quickly. If this occurs, you will need to repeat your previous selections and proceed through the CAPTA process.
Select Available Year(s)
Only those years for which data are available for at least one of your previous selections will appear in filter box. You can select multiple years. To download data for all available years, leave this filter blank.
Select Available Field(s) & Sub-Field(s)Similar to the year filter, only those fields for which data are available for at least one of your previous selections will appear in the drop-down filters. Field data are available by 2-, 3-, and 4-digit
2017 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes. NAICS codes are hierarchical, with 2-digit “parent” fields including all data in lower-level 3- and 4-digit sub-fields. NAICS 10 includes data in all fields and their sub-fields.
To select data within a top-level 2-digit "parent" field, select ONLY the 2-digit field in the first selection box. Only one 2-digit field selection is allowed per search. To select a “child” sub-field or fields, first select the 2-digit “parent” field in the first drop-down, and then select the sub-field or fields in the second drop-down. Choose “Search all available fields” for a full listing of all 2-, 3-, and 4-digit field-level data available for your previous selections.
Final Step
Select "Search." To download the results to an Excel file, select the download button.